Management Systems Certification - DNV



DNV GL Business Assurance Sweden AB, Box 6046, 171 06  Brist på uppfyllandet av villkor som anges i certifieringsavtalet kan göra detta certifikat ogiltigt. Ackrediterad enhet: DNV GL Business Assurance Sweden AB,  Brist på uppfyllandet av villkor som anges i certifieringsavtalet kan göra detta certifikat ogiltigt. Ackrediterad enhet: DNV GL Business Assurance Sweden AB,  Brist på uppfyllandet av villkor som anges i certifieringsavtalet kan göra detta certifikat ogiltigt. Ackrediterad enhet: DNV GL Business Assurance Sweden AB,  Brist på uppfyllandet av villkor som anges i certifieringsavtalet kan göra detta certifikat ogiltigt. Ackrediterad enhet: DNV GL Business Assurance Sweden AB,  Brist på uppfyllandet av villkor som anges i certifieringsavtalet kan göra detta certifikat ogiltigt. Ackrediterad enhet: DNV GL Business Assurance Sweden AB,  Brist på uppfyllandet av villkor som anges i certifieringsavtalet kan göra detta certifikat ogiltigt.

Dnv business assurance management system certificate

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Härmed intygas att. Damstahl  Brist på uppfyllandet av villkor som anges i certifieringsavtalet kan göra detta certifikat ogiltigt. Ackrediterad enhet: DNV GL Business Assurance Sweden AB,  Brist på uppfyllandet av villkor som anges i certifieringsavtalet kan göra detta certifikat ogiltigt. Ackrediterad enhet: DNV GL Business Assurance Sweden AB,  Ackrediterad enhet: DNV GL Business Assurance Sweden AB, Elektrogatan 10, 171 54 Solna, Sweden. TEL:+46 8 587 940 00.  Brist på uppfyllandet av villkor som anges i certifieringsavtalet kan göra detta certifikat ogiltigt. Ackrediterad enhet: DNV GL Business Assurance  Lack of fulfilment of conditions as set out in the Certification Agreement may render this Certificate invalid.

Identify risks and get control over your value chain. Certification Resource Center. Bridging the knowledge gap for transitions to the new standards.


ACCREDITED UNIT: DNV CERTIFICATION LIMITED, PALACE HOUSE, 3, SE1 9DE, CATHEDRAL STREET, LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM, TEL: +44 (0) 207 357 6080, DNV BUSINESS ASSURANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CERTIFICATE Certificate No. 98326-2011-AQ-GBR-UKAS Knowledge fosters your ability to change. Through our training courses you will be better equipped to implement and certify your management system, and turn risks into rewards. Your local Business Assurance team is available to help!

Dnv business assurance management system certificate

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Dnv business assurance management system certificate


TEL:+46 8 587 940 00.  Brist på uppfyllandet av villkor som anges i certifieringsavtalet kan göra detta certifikat ogiltigt. Ackrediterad enhet: DNV GL Business Assurance  Lack of fulfilment of conditions as set out in the Certification Agreement may render this Certificate invalid.
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Dnv business assurance management system certificate

DNV GL Business Assurance UK Limited.

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Lack of  Perhaps you will even find some new ways to use your mark. Congratulations and good luck.

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Certification Marks for management systems and/or the official DNV GL - Business Assurance Inscription that corresponds with the scheme(s) to which your company is certified for. 2. Always use the DNV GL - Business Assurance Certification Mark and/or Inscription in conjunction with your company’s name and/or logo. You may use the DNV GL - Business Assurance Certification Mark and/or Inscription on: Marketing material Solna, 27, August, 2018 DNV GL - Business Assurance Box 6046/Hemv ärnsgatan 9, 171 06, Solna, Sweden Ann -Louise P ått Management Representative Lack of fulfilment of conditions as set out in the Certification Agreement may render this Certificate invalid.


Ackrediterad enhet: DNV GL Business Assurance  Lack of fulfilment of conditions as set out in the Certification Agreement may render this Certificate invalid. ACCREDITED UNIT: DNV GL Business Assurance  Brist på uppfyllandet av villkor som anges i certifieringsavtalet kan göra detta certifikat ogiltigt. Ackrediterad enhet: DNV GL Business Assurance Sweden AB,  Ackrediterad enhet: DNV GL Business Assurance Sweden AB, Elektrogatan 10, 171 54 Solna, Sweden. TEL:+46 8 587 940 00.  DNV GL. MANAGEMENT SYSTEM.

Through our Next Generation Risk Based Certification approach we assess your system’s compliance with international standards and measure how well key systems support your business processes while building sustainable business performance over time. DNV BUSINESS ASSURANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CERTIFICATE Certificate No. / Certificato No. 170106-2014-AHSO-ITA-RvA This is to certify that / Si attesta che LUCCHINI RS S.p.A. Via Giorgio Paglia, 45 - 24065 Lovere (BG) - Italy Via Giorgio Paglia, 94 - 24065 Lovere (BG) - Italy Has been found to conform to the Management System Standard: Management Systems Certification. We are one of the leading global providers of accredited management systems certification.