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Works Reisner, Larisa Sviyazhsk. Hombres y máquinas/Larisa Reisner—México : FCE, UIA, 2019 158 pp. ; 17 x 11 cm.—(Colec. COLECCIÓN POPULAR;739) 1. Crónica periodística 2. Narrativa 3. Historia - Rusia - Guerra civil 4.

Larisa reisner

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Larissa Reisner (author), Jack  Larisa Mikhailovna Reisner (Russian: Лариса Михайловна Рейснер) was a Russian writer. She was born on 1 (13) May 1895 in Lublin, Poland, and died on 9  Larisa Reisner: la poeta/cronista que se desnuda y convence a Trotksy con frases motivacionales/sexys. En realidad, Larisa no solo fue un monstruo de la  To improve the performance of our website, show the most relevant news products and targeted advertising, we collect technical impersonal information about  Larisa Reisner, Isabel Vericat, Richard Chappell veía la chispa que iniciaría el cambio, Larisa narra en Hamburgo en las barricadas; Berlín, octubre 1923 y En  1 май 2020 В 1917-м Лариса Рейснер связала свою судьбу с большевиками, работала под началом наркома просвещения Луначарского, отвечая за  Larisa Reisner (1895-1926). Periodista y escritora soviética. Proveniente de la aristocracia y ligad LARISA REISNER. $ 150.00. IVA incluido.

Larisa Mikhailovna Reisner (Det.

Kremlin Wives: The Secret Lives of the Women Behind the

500 1 _ ‎‡a Рейснер, Лариса Михайловна, ‏ ‎‡d 1895-1926. Works Larissa Reisner (russe : Лариса Михайловна Рейснер ; née le 1 er mai 1895 (13 mai 1895 dans le calendrier grégorien) à Lublin et morte le 9 février 1926 à Moscou) est une écrivaine russe [1].Elle est notamment connue pour son rôle dans la Guerre civile russe qui a suivi la révolution d'Octobre et pour ses amitiés avec plusieurs des plus grands poètes russes du Drawing on the case studies of the young Bolshevik writer Larisa Reisner and the anti-Bolshevik journalist and politician Ariadna Tyrkova-Williams, this article examines the dual roles women journalists held, and how they were shaped by attitudes towards war, gender and journalism at the time. Naumova, A. I. Larisa Reisner v vospominaniiakh sovremennikov "Sov.

Larisa reisner


Larisa reisner

Works Reisner, Larisa Sviyazhsk. Hombres y máquinas/Larisa Reisner—México : FCE, UIA, 2019 158 pp.

Larisa Mikhailovna Reisner (errusieraz: Лариса Михайловна Рейснер; 1895eko maiatzaren 13a greg. /maiatzaren 1 jul. - 1926ko otsailaren 9a) Polonian jaiotako errusiar boltxebikea izan zen 2019-09-09 1988-03-03 Rebellious Daughters of History #6 by Judy Cox Larissa Reissner (1895-1926): Writer, soldier and revolutionary Larissa Reissner was born in Lublin, Poland. Between 1903 and 1907, her family was forced to live in exile in Berlin because of her father’s activism.
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Larisa reisner

The Hammer And The Anvil. 137 likes · 1 talking about this. New translation of Larissa Reisner's writings on the Russian Revolution. Larisa Reisner “En ese pasillo, Elfriede que tan celosa y laboriosamente había defendido su vida digna y solitaria, libre del báculo de cualquier moralidad oficial, y a pesar de todo tan pura y recta como una flecha, en ese pasillo la hicieron zozobrar con el abuso y la burla más obscena y Larissa Reisner est en effet une légende de la révolution russe. En juillet 1918, un mois après avoir adhéré au parti communiste, elle part pour le front à Kazan.

1/13 maja 1895 w Lublinie, zm. 7 lub 9 lutego 1926 w Moskwie) – rosyjska publicystka, pisarka i poetka, rewolucjonistka, uczestniczka wojny domowej w Rosji Larissa Reissner on Trotsky’s Red Army.
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The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased. Reisner, Larisa Mikhailovna Born May 1(13), 1895, in Lublin Лариса Михайловна Рейснер (нем.

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She was born on 1 (13) May 1895 in Lublin, Poland, and died on 9  Larisa Reisner: la poeta/cronista que se desnuda y convence a Trotksy con frases motivacionales/sexys. En realidad, Larisa no solo fue un monstruo de la  To improve the performance of our website, show the most relevant news products and targeted advertising, we collect technical impersonal information about  Larisa Reisner, Isabel Vericat, Richard Chappell veía la chispa que iniciaría el cambio, Larisa narra en Hamburgo en las barricadas; Berlín, octubre 1923 y En  1 май 2020 В 1917-м Лариса Рейснер связала свою судьбу с большевиками, работала под началом наркома просвещения Луначарского, отвечая за  Larisa Reisner (1895-1926). Periodista y escritora soviética. Proveniente de la aristocracia y ligad LARISA REISNER. $ 150.00. IVA incluido.

Now a new translation of her reports brings that fight to life, writes Sophie Squire Published Sun 7 Mar 2021 Larisa Reisner: Myth as Justification for Life 173 Recent biographies of Reisner derive their information from memoirs written mostly at the time of her death and published in various journals in 1926-1927.4 Her contemporaries wrote about Reisner's exceptional beauty, wit, charm, intelligence, The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased. Reisner, Larisa Mikhailovna Born May 1(13), 1895, in Lublin, now in Poland; died Feb. 9, 1926, in Moscow. Soviet Russian writer.